Welcome to the
Healthy Aging Lab
Northern Arizona University

Lab Objectives
The Healthy Aging Lab at Northern Arizona University applies a lifespan developmental approach to identify ways to maximize health and well-being for all individuals across the adult lifespan. We leverage microlongitudinal and measurement-burst methodologies using daily diary and ecological momentary assessments (EMA) to study cognitive and emotional functioning in everyday life. We aim to identify the psychosocial determinants (e.g., daily stress and affect, personality processes, control beliefs) of normative and pathological cognitive aging (e.g., Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias) using performance-based and self-reported markers of cognitive health. Students and faculty in the Healthy Aging Lab share a passion and commitment for advancing age-inclusivity in our communities through research activity and advocacy efforts.
Dr. Cerino will not be accepting a graduate student for the incoming academic year (2024-2025).

Healthy Aging Lab celebrating a fun and productive year with a lab dinner and walk around nearby trails in Spring 2024 (Pictured from left to right: Top - Sam, Zachary, Zach, Jayden, Kate. Bottom - Noah, Chloe, Raechel, Amanda, Brady, Annalee, Vanessa, Gillian, Eric, Jess, Lennon, Hopper).

End of Semester Lab Party in Spring 2023 (Pictured from left to right: Top - Eric, Hailey, Laura, Ashley, Jayden, Yesenia, Ellen, Kyleen, Chloe, Brady, Zachary. Bottom - Hopper, Lenore, Rowan, Willow).

End of Semester Lab Party in Spring 2022 (Pictured from left to right: Top – Laura, Brady, Eric, & Aleysia. Bottom – Lenore, Claire, & Yesenia)

Lab members participating in a remote lab meeting in Spring 2023.

Lab members participating in a remote lab meeting in Spring 2022.